
A list of dramatists, poets, novelists, essayists, woman writers and critics

English - English Literature - A list of dramatists, poets, novelists, essayists, woman writers and critics


শেকসপিয়ার, ক্রিস্টোফার মার্লো, বেন জনসন, জর্জ বানর্নার্ড শো ইত্যাদি। 


জিওফ্রে চসার, এডমন্ড স্পেনসার, ওয়ার্ডসওর্থ, শেলি,বায়রন,কিটস,ডব্লিউবি ইয়েটস ইত্যাদি।


চার্সলস ডিকেন্স, ভার্জিনিয়া উলফ, জেন অস্টেন, ডিএইচ লরেন্স, জর্জ ওরওয়েল ইত্যাদি।


ডেনিয়েল ডিফো,জনাথন সুইফট।


ফ্রান্সিস বেকন, জন ওয়াইক্লিফ

Women Writters

পল এস বার্ক, এমিলি ব্রন্টি, জন অস্টিন , ভার্জিনিয়া উলফ

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T.S. Eliot (Thomas Stearns Eliot) was an influential figure in twentieth-century literature, known for his poetry, essays, plays, and criticism of literature. He was born on September 26, 1888, in St. Louis, Missouri, and eventually relocated to England, where he was granted British citizenship in 1927. Eliot's work is typically connected with modernism, and he had significant effects on the literary environment of his day. Here are some significant aspects of T.S. Eliot's life and career:

  1. Poetry: Eliot's poetry is admired for its complexities, form experimentation, and deep investigation of issues such as disillusionment, alienation, spiritual crisis, and the fractured aspect of modern living. Some of his most famous poems are:
    • "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" (1915)
    • "The Waste Land" (1922), which is often considered one of the most important poems of the 20th century.
    • "The Hollow Men" (1925)
    • "Ash Wednesday" (1930)
    • "Four Quartets" (1943)
  2. Dramatic Works: In addition to his poetry, Eliot wrote several plays, including:
    1. "Murder in the Cathedral" (1935), a verse drama based on the murder of Archbishop Thomas Becket.
    2. "The Cocktail Party" (1949), which won the Tony Award for Best Play.
  3. Literary Criticism: Eliot was also a prolific literary critic, and his writings and reviews had a significant impact on literary theory and criticism. His critical contributions include "The Sacred Wood" (1920) and "Selected Essays" (1932).
  4. Cultural Influence: Eliot's work mirrored the chaotic social and cultural backdrop of the early twentieth century. He was linked with the modernist movement and played a significant role in establishing its direction. His poetry, in particular, challenged established poetic forms and vocabulary, ushering in a new period of literary creativity.
  5. Religious Conversion: Later in life, Eliot experienced a deep religious conversion and became a passionate Anglo-Catholic. His subsequent poetry explores spirituality, redemption, and the search for meaning.

T.S. Eliot's contributions to literature garnered him several honors, including the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948. He died on January 4, 1965, in London, leaving a rich and enduring literary legacy that is still studied and admired today.

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